Biblical proportions: the Pope, Paris, and energy justice

Biblical proportions: the Pope, Paris, and energy justice

One Response

  1. George CPI Reply

    Hello Dr. Bowlus,

    I am writing you after eleven years of silence. During that period from 2007 to 2018, our Public Debt has risen from $7 billion dollars in 1993 to US$84 billion today, an increase of twelve times the initial borrowing.
    But though hallucinating, this increase is in fact NOTHING compared with what will inevitably occur in thirty seven years time, in the year 2056, when Lebanon’s PUBLIC DEBT, which has nothing “PUBLIC “in its essence, will reach the TRILLION US DOLLARS.
    Yes, Dr. Bowlus, you have read well. Allow me to say that this terrible event is EXACTLY what I was trying to prevent in February 28, 2007, eleven years ago, when we were talking of setting up “Machakelna” in Lebanon.
    Well, what we both feared, at the time, has relentlessly kept occurring during the past eleven years in our country. But this is not what I am so much worried about. What is going to happen in 2056 (reaching a trillion US dollars in debt) is what is worrying me most. Though, I am sure, the “world” and I do mean the “world” will not allow this tragedy to happen, merely contemplating such a remote possibility makes me shiver.
    I have written some 430 articles in LinkedIn during the past three years alone, many of them on this subject. Should you be interested I am ready to send you the respective urls.
    Before concluding this message, I wish you full success in your enterprises. You certainly deserve it. Warmest regards from your friend, George Sabat, ACMA
    PS You can read my articles on LinkedIn if you wish. I suggest that you read the very latest one at

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